OSCbar lives in the macOS menu bar and functions as an on-hand oscillator for calibrating/testing audio equipment or room response. It is designed to be a lighweight and accessible sound generator. Thes feature set is intentionally minimal to replace those circustamces when opening a DAW is overkill.

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Generate an waves or noise from the macOS menu bar. Cmd-click on the icon to rearrange location within the menubar.

Wave Types

Freq range: 20 - 20k Hz.

Callibration modes: Use octave walks to check the low-end response of your studio or listening room.

Volume displayed dbFS. Maximum amplitude is determined by your device’s interface.


The application uses sounddevice and rumps libraries. oscillator.py is an oscillator class that can be implemented in other sounddevice applications.


Visit the project page to download oscbar.app.

Support or Contact

Get in touch to report bugs or request new features.

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